Scholarship Interest formTears of the Gods: Flowers, Grief, Death, + Shapeshifting Name * First Name Last Name Email * Scholarships are for low income and QTBIPOC participants. Please describe how this applies to you. * What life experience brings you to this course? * What/who is one of the things, beings, or practices that resources and supports you in your grief? What are you most excited about learning/gaining from this course? * Type of Scholarship you are interested in: * Please select all that apply, but only select the scholarship amounts that would truly make the course accessible to you! (Often folx have selected partial scholarships when those options were actually not accessible for them when offered- and vice versa - others have selected only free when they actually had the means to pay for a partial scholarship. It will save me work and create more space for more folx to know what truly works for you. Thank you!) Partial (40% off) - brings course to $750 Partial (50% off) - brings course to $625 Partial (70% off) - brings course to $375 Partial (80% off)- brings course to $250 Full - Free Do you plan to attend most classes live or watch the recordings? * Note: preference is not given depending on your answer to this, there is no preference for those attending live or vice versa, this just helps me get a sense of how many people will be in the room. I will be attending all or most classes live. I will be attending live when I can but will miss live classes often. I cannot make class live and will be watching the recordings. Thank you! I will be in touch once I have reviewed all submissions.