Easing the passage Name * First Name Last Name Email * Which class(es) have you taken with me? * Grief Magic Herbalism for Grief Support Tears of the Gods Grief Studios None Other Easing the passage is intended to be a cohort for facilitators of collective spaces to be with grief. What kind of facilitation/grief/death care work do you do? Or, would you like to do? Which of the following best describes your level of experience in grief/death care work? * Total Newbie! Under 1 year of experience 1-3 years experience 3-5 years experience 5+ years experience Which of the following best describes your level of experience in facilitation of collective/community spaces? * Total Newbie! Under 1 year of experience 1-3 years experience 3-5 years experience 5+ years experience What draws you to this course? What's most sparkly and exciting about it for you? What's your greatest challenge as a facilitator/grief worker right now? Which of these would you be interested in? (Select all that apply) A facilitators cohort that also has access to the grief magic course (materials, live sessions, and possibly separate Q&A time with guest facilitators) A completely separate cohort that has nothing to do with the Grief Magic course I brainstormed some possible units/themes we might explore for this course. Please select all that you would be interested in below: (select all that apply) Situating Community Death & Grief Work amidst ecological collapse, fascism, genocides: Against the co-optation of fear, loss, grief, and trauma Situating yourself in Community Grief Work (identifying your whys, your joys, your skills, and communities/communities you might work with; what offerings might emerge from those intersections; and those practices, beings that hold and support you) Situating Ease, Joy, Enchantment, Imagination, Pleasure in Grief Work (resourcing ourselves as we ease the passage) Honing your craft and process (a practicum) (practicing, reflecting, strategizing approaches to grief facilitation, finding what works for you) Making a Living in Care/Death Work (Orientations towards accepting pay; Business, Taxes, & Finances 101; Business models for creating access to support & sharing wealth; A short history of capitalism and context for un/paid care work) Collaboration (a practicum) (practicing, reflecting, experimenting, strategizing approaches to collaborative grief work; creating an offering with another cohort member or community member) Inspiration from Tarot for each unit (archetypes from Tarot that we might work with and how they might be allies as we work through course themes) Plant/ecological allies for each unit (Rooting in the wisdom of our ecosystems and plant allies for grief support as we move through each unit) None of the above What other topics or questions would you like to explore in this course? What kinds of learning would you be most excited about? * (check all that apply) Reflecting on experiences facilitating with cohort Practicing facilitation with the cohort Discussing readings/lectures/materials Having outside guests come share their experiences/ facilitate practices for being with grief Other/None of the above If you selected other, please describe! Which of the following best describes your interest/capacity to attend sessions live? I plan to attend all or most live sessions. I plan to attend live as much as possible, but expect to miss class here and there. I expect to miss live sessions often, and mostly watch the recordings. I plan to participate by watching recordings only. Are there any other ideas or hopes you'd like to share, types of support you'd hope to get from taking this course? Thank you so much for taking the time to brainstorm with me!Stay tuned for updates!xoMara June