Anonymous STUDENT Feedback Which class and cohort are you in? * How's the course feeling for you so far? What moments or aspects of the class have been your favorite so far? Is there anything you'd like to see more of? less of? What outside of course resources have you found helpful or engaged with most so far? PDFs Audio Recordings of handouts Journal prompts Creative prompts and practices Additional resources PDF I have not used any of these yet... Other: If you chose other, please describe: Thoughts on Discord as a Platform I like it and enjoy using it fairly regularly. I barely use it but feel fine about it. I'd prefer to move to a different platform and I think I would use it more. I don't use it but I don't think I'd use any discussion board type platform. Other: If you chose other, please describe: Anything else you'd like to share about course resources or platform? What other questions or feedback do you have? Thank you for your feedback! It really helps me continue to grow as a facilitator and shape the course to be more supportive to more folx. xoMara June